Should we pay more attention to the relativists?
correspondent on one of my reviews
recently remarked, “Oh yes, of course objective reality exists”, in exasperation at my hesitation before that thought.
few trees fall in the internet forest which make less sound than my
blog posts, I thought it would be worth expanding on this comment, if
just to see if anyone at all was listening.
Thomas Kuhn, whose book I was reviewing, never said anything quite as
incautious as I tend to, the chain of thought that leads there can be
traced back Kuhn’s wonderful The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
as short and elegant a book of philosophy as you could hope to read.
is also is something of a bête
amongst a certain group of scientists who regard it as the cause of
much modern (or post-modern)
argued that the direction scientific development must be
significantly influenced by the environment in which it is produced.
For one thing, a scientific discipline of any sophistication will
have developed its own institutions, social structure and hierarchy.
The social rules surrounding credentialised practice and discourse
within the discipline will be quite complex and very formal.
observation (which ought to be familiar to anyone with any experience
of organisational hierarchy) puts certain scientists into quite a
flap, especially when the dread word “culture” is used in place
of “environment”. That science is objective, and not culturally
determined, is something of – well – an article of faith.
in this context “culture” is simply shorthand for all those
necessary conditions for science even to be carried out: the body of
established knowledge; the rules of acceptable scientific procedure;
the academic institutions and research institutions; the journals and
societies; the undergraduate and postgraduate community which trains,
credentialises, develops and evaluates developing science and the
practical work of scientists in the field: All of those things which
distinguish between neurobiology and homoeopathy1.
“Thomas Kuhn’s insight was that this picture of inexorable progress towards an unchanging goal doesn’t seem very well to fit the historical record.”
the proposition that science is coloured by its necessarily human
context – is a product of its culture – undermines the
supposition, taken as read since the enlightenment, that the journey
of science is one of progressive truth-revelation. Science (courtesy
of which plants photosynthesise, aeroplanes stay in the sky and
planets orbit the sun) surely progresses: inexorably, it
zeroes in on transcendental laws of the cosmos: Aristotle had a good
old go, Ptolemy got a bit closer, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe really
started to get warm, Newton got it largely right and, since Einstein
the process has been one of ever more infinitesimal fiddling around
the edges.
Kuhn was a historian, and his insight was to observe that the picture of inexorable progress towards an unchanging goal doesn’t
seem very well to fit the historical record. Ptolemy’s geocentric
model of the cosmos, which must have seemed eminently satisfactory at
one point (for 1,600 years, as a matter of fact), bears almost no
relation even to Copernicus’ heliocentric model, let alone to
Linde’s Multiverse model, in which bubble universes nucleate in a
space-time foam2.
In the language of evolution, these succeeding theories are not
adaptations of their predecessors, but new organisms wiping the older
beasts out. Extinctions. Whatever truth Ptolemy was closing in on, it
was not the same one that interested Linde.
leaves scientists in a cleft stick: either everything which went
before and was believed to be science in fact wasn’t (which
makes you wonder how they’re so certain this time) or it was,
but it was just temporarily barking up the wrong tree (which also
makes you wonder how they’re so certain this time) or it was,
and they were barking up the right tree, but it’s just not a
tree we’re interested in any more. Each of these options as
unfortunate implications.
A less
complicated reading can be arrived at by reducing science’s
ambition from “sole revealer of the sacred truths of the cosmos”
(which sounds a little religious, doesn’t it?) to “devising
pragmatic models of how the universe appears to work, to help us get
along in it”. Under this less ambitious framework, as new
information comes to light prevailing models can be adjusted, and
where no adjustments can save the day, models can be jettisoned
entirely, something only apt to happen when a better model is to hand
(a broken model is better than no model at all). Kuhn’s observation
was this is how science does seem to operate.
sensible as it is, it is still Richard Dawkins’ cue to work himself
into a righteous frenzy at the thought of Kalahari bushmen examining
rabbit entrails. Dawkins’ own impression of the argument goes like
is no absolute truth. You are committing an act of personal faith
when you claim that the scientific method, including mathematics and
logic, is the privileged road to truth. Other cultures might believe
that truth is to be found in a rabbit’s entrails, or the ravings of
a prophet up a pole. what is only your personal faith in science that
leads you to favour your brand of truth.” 3
idea that we may as well consult the entrails of rabbits as Newton’s
laws of mechanics when devising flying machines is, of course,
absurd. And while it’s obviously a gross distortion of any actual
philosophy – Dawkins quotes only his own vivid imagination – this
sort of bluster has won more people over than it really ought to
without guaranteed privilege of science over non-science, good
science still has a way of differentiating itself, but the richness
and complexity of its account and its predictive power. Flying
machines designed by reference to the configuration of rabbit
entrails will stay in the sky less often than those designed
according to modern aeronautics, and that should carry the day. (If,
statistically, it didn’t, there might be something those rabbits
know that we didn’t!)
Next time: Defending the indefensible? Relativism proper.
has its own culture too, of course.
have absolutely no idea what this means. And nor do I want one.
Is True?” collected in A Devils Chaplain, Phoenix, 2003
Again, you seem to have a fundamental difficulty with understanding that each theory contains the previous theory as a limit case. So in a very precise sense, physics is "progressing" towards a single goal. 600 years ago, the "physics" wasn't even logically correct let alone consistent with experiment. After Newton, we got a physics that explained day to day life with precise numerical accuracy. You'd have to go to objects the size of the sun, speeds close to the speed of light or sizes comparable to an atom to find discrepancies. Now you'd have to go to objects the density of black holes and sub-sub-sub atomic particles to find issues with the current theories.
ReplyDelete400 yrs ago, a bit of thought and an apple could disprove the theories of the day. Today if you can find error in the Standard Model, global fame and Nobel Prize await you.
BTW Ptolemy's model of the solar system was known to have problems before Ptolemy lived. 30 seconds thought shows Aristotle's claim that heavier objects hit the ground faster is false. Their models survived for the same reason Lysenko's models did and it aint because they were equally credible
That's an interesting post and an interesting response comment. Thank you both. Is there a debate here about what "progress" means? At this point in time, such miniscule, theoretical "scientific progress" as it is now humanly possible to make necessarily comes at such enormous expense and depends on the most incredible technology (CERN etc) that it is not necessarily "progress" for humanity any more than religion or art or anything else with a purpose is. Would science contribute more to "human progress" by knowing when to stop?
ReplyDeletePerhaps scientists can discover how to generate the big bang and provide enough energy to sustain mankind at present birth-rate for a million years. Perhaps. [Pause for respect. Pause for thought about the implications. And possible unintended consequences.] But what will mankind itself become? [Is that life real or artificial?] C P Snow in "The Two Cultures" suggests that "scientific progress", the theoretical variety, has no interest in "social" considerations like that.
The "best minds" scientists may be. Like the best sportsmen, with complex technology and vast support staff, they are getting incomprehensibly better all the time. For global fame and trophies, or for the pure achievement? Maybe either, but even so, what an expensive vanity. Since the Atom Bomb, I don't think scientists should be excused all social responsibility in the name of "scientific progress". At least sport makes people happy.
PS. Wikipedia article on Quantum Mechanics:
ReplyDeleteStephen Hawking was initially a believer in the Theory of Everything, after considering Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, he has concluded that one is not obtainable, and has stated so publicly in his lecture "Gödel and the End of Physics" (2002).